Friday, August 2, 2019

Definition of public health

1. Definition of public health

As defined by the World Health Organization (Public Health) as the science and art of disease prevention and longevity. Activities aimed at strengthening public health capacities and services aim at providing conditions that enable people to maintain or prevent health, and public health is based on The elimination of certain diseases, as well as attention to all aspects of health and well-being. Public health services also include the provision of personal services to individuals, such as vaccines, behavioral counseling, or health counseling.

2. The role of public health

 Public health plays a very important role in protecting, strengthening and preserving the health of entire communities, or these communities are small or very large. Many public health obligations are linked to the health issues that individuals face in their daily lives, such as maintaining drinking water, Ensuring food safety in local restaurants, etc. Public health plays a major role in various health areas, such as preventing various injuries, dental hygiene, preparing for emergencies and disasters, preventing the spread of diseases, and identifying the main causes of death. Try to treat it.

 3. Responsibilities of public health workers

  • Public health professionals should practice one or more of the following 10 basic services:
  • Educate people about health issues, especially people who are not served and at risk of disease.
  • Link people to the personal health services they need, and ensure that health care is available when it is not available. 
  • Evaluate the effectiveness, accessibility, and quality of personal and public health services.
  • Monitor the health status of the community to identify potential problems.
  • Diagnosis and investigation of health problems and risks in society.
  • Mobilize community partnerships to identify and solve health problems.
  • Develop policies and plans that support individual and collective health efforts.
  • Implement and ensure laws and regulations that protect health.
  • Ensure a competent public and personal health workforce.
  • Encourage adoption of new insights and innovative solutions to health problems.


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